106 CCF-to-J2C Architecture Migration
The CMA tool created two packages:
com.ibm.dk.nova.eab.records, containing
532 files
mcobol, containing 5266 files
It created 542 classes (respectively, 179 and
363). The rest of the files are WSDL files and
compiled class files (*.class). The generated
classes contain numerous inner classes.
Because the applications did not use EAB
commands, the CMA tool produced
DummyCommands for every migrated
record: one DummyCommand class for each
input message and one for each output
message. The DummyCommand classes
are placeholders that enable the generation
of the FormatHandler and Record classes.
DummyCommands are not meant for any
other purpose.
Figure 7-16 The result of CCF artifacts migration
7.2.4 Application post-processing
Migration post-processing consisted of two steps: the work described in
Chapter 5, “Post-migration steps” on page 55, and the application-specific code
changes, mainly modifying the interaction with the generated classes. Ours were:
1. Update the references by removing the CCF packages from the application
(Figure 7-17).
Figure 7-17 Removing old classes
108 CCF-to-J2C Architecture Migration
3. Select the Service Project check box for the project, which uses connector
Figure 7-19 Changing project references
Chapter 7. Migrating a real-life application 109
4. Because the J2CA classes use Web Services, add the basic libraries for this.
We added this to the Java Build Path by the selecting the corresponding tab
and adding variable WAS_EE_V51.
Figure 7-20 Modifying Java Build Path
110 CCF-to-J2C Architecture Migration
5. Extend WAS_EE_V51 by selecting it from the list of variables and clicking
Figure 7-21 Adding WAS_EE_V51 variable
6. Expand the lib folder and select three jars: wsif.jar, wsif-j2c, and wsatlib.jar.
Figure 7-22 Extending the WAS_EE_V51 variable
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