Section 10.0: Security Violations

10.1. Smurf Attack

  1. Use the Port ACL feature on 3550s to block ICMP on Switch1.

  2. Port ACL can be used to apply on the Layer-2 interface of the switch.

  3. Port ACLs are applied on interfaces for inbound traffic only. Configure ACL on switch1 to deny ICMP and permit everything. Apply the ACL to Fastethernet0/4 on switch1, where AAA/CA server is connected as shown in Table 5-1. The example that follows shows this configuration:

    hostname sw1
    interface FastEthernet0/4
     switchport access vlan 2
     switchport mode access
     no ip address
     ip access-group 101 in
    access-list 101 deny   icmp any any
    access-list 101 permit ip any any

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