Chapter 4: Managing Cisco Wireless Local Area Networks
Exam Objective
Understanding the infrastructure of a Cisco Wireless Local Area Network
So as a CCNA, you will need to understand which components make up a standard Cisco wireless network. This chapter will prepare you for the exam by providing you an overview of the components and let you know how they work together. With this information you should be able to meet the challenges of the exam.
This chapter will review all of the components that make up a standard Cisco wireless network and provide you with necessary information you will need in order to know how all of these components function in order to provide wireless network services to your entire network.
Introducing the Cisco Unified Wireless Network Architecture (CUWN)
In today’s market, the driving force behind mobile computing is actually mobile computer users. These users have been finding it more and more convenient to be able to use their computing devices wherever they need to. The more places that they are able to use them, the more places they want to be able to use them. This gives corporate IT staff a challenge in that they are typically concerned with the integrity, safety, and security of corporate data; allowing users in an ever widening geographical area to have access to this data goes against the goals of corporate IT staff. To alleviate some of this concern, Cisco released information on the Cisco Unified Wireless Network. The unified part of this ...