Chapter 10

Ten Keys to Success on Exam Day


Bullet Remembering your studies

Bullet Preparing your mind and body for the exam

Bullet Staying calm and focused

It’s here, the day you’ve been waiting for … exam day! You’ve studied for months, practiced what you’ve learned, and now it’s time to show that test who’s boss! In this chapter, I provide some key tips to keep you focused and sharp during the examination. Good luck!

Making Sure You Wake Up

There’s nothing worse than waking up late and rushing to a test center when you’re already a little anxious. Set an alarm … set two alarms … have a friend call to make sure you’re up on time. Do whatever you must do to make sure you get up with enough time to fully prepare for the day.

Remember It’s important that you wake up in time to not only take the test, but also give your brain time to get up and running. It takes the human brain some time to fully boot up, so best practice is to wake up at least two hours before your exam.

Dressing for the Occasion

Keep in mind that you’re sitting for a three hour exam, and you’ll want to make sure you wear comfortable ...

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