Chapter 4Practice Test 4

  1. Which of the following encryption algorithms uses two large prime numbers?

    1. RSA

    2. AES

    3. El Gamal

    4. RC5

  2. What can be said about asymmetric encryption?

    1. The two keys are not related mathematically.

    2. The two keys are mathematically related.

    3. Both keys do the same thing.

    4. One key is shared between both parties.

  3. What protection characteristics are in use with IPSec transport mode?

    1. The header is encrypted.

    2. Both payload and message are encrypted.

    3. It provides authentication to the sender's data.

    4. It provides encryption to the payload only.

  4. Which of the following defines the private, non-routable IP address ranges?

    1. RFC 1929

    2. RFC 1918

    3. NIST 1918

    4. RFC 1921

  5. Which DNS record maps an IPv4 address to a hostname?

    1. MX

    2. A

    3. AAA

    4. MR

  6. What ...

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