Ceph admin socket

Ceph components are daemons and Unix-domain sockets. Ceph allows us to use these sockets to query its daemons. The Ceph admin socket is a powerful tool to get and set the Ceph daemon configurations at runtime. With this tool, changing the daemon configuration values becomes a lot easier, rather than changing the Ceph configuration file, which requires the daemon to restart.

To do this, you should log in to the node running the Ceph daemons and execute the ceph daemon commands.

How to do it…

There are two ways to access the admin socket:

  • Using the Ceph daemon name:
    $ sudo ceph daemon {daemon-name} {option}
  • Using the absolute path of the socket file; the default location is as follows: /var/run/ceph:
    $ sudo ceph daemon {absolute path ...

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