Chapter 2. Information Gathering for the Ethical Hacker

I was watching a nature show on TV a couple nights back and saw a lion pride hunt from start to finish. The actual end was totally awesome, if a bit gruesome, with a lot of neck biting and suffocation, followed by bloody chewing. But the buildup to that attack was different altogether. In a way, it was visually… boring. But if you watched closely, you could see the real work of the attack was done before any energy was used at all.

For the first three quarters of the program, the cameras focused on lions just sitting there, seemingly oblivious to the world around them. The herds of antelope, or whatever the heck they were, saw the lions, but also went about their merry business of pulling up and chewing on grass. Every so often the lions would look up at the herd, almost like they were counting sheep (or antelope) in an effort to nap; then they’d go back to licking themselves and shooing away flies. A couple times they’d get up and stroll ...

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