Answers to Review Questions

Chapter 2, “Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration”

  1. First, create the namespace named apps. Then, we’ll create the ServiceAccount:

    $ kubectl create namespace apps
    $ kubectl create serviceaccount api-access -n apps

    Alternatively, you can use the declarative approach. Create the namespace from the definition in the file apps-namespace.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: apps

    Create the namespace from the YAML file:

    $ kubectl create -f apps-namespace.yaml

    Create a new YAML file called api-serviceaccount.yaml with the following contents:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: api-access
      namespace: apps

    Run the create command to instantiate the ServiceAccount from the YAML file:

    $ kubectl create -f api-serviceaccount.yaml
  2. Use the create clusterrole command to create the ClusterRole imperatively:

    $ kubectl create clusterrole api-clusterrole --verb=watch,list,get \

    If you’d rather start with the YAML file, use content shown in the file api-clusterrole.yaml:

    kind: ClusterRole
      name: api-clusterrole
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["pods"]
      verbs: ["watch","list","get"]

    Create the ClusterRole from the YAML file:

    $ kubectl create -f api-clusterrole.yaml

    Use the create clusterrolebinding command to create the ClusterRoleBinding imperatively.

    $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding api-clusterrolebinding \
      --serviceaccount=apps:api-access --clusterrole=api-clusterrole ...

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