Chapter 7
Stimulation of Chaos in Electric Drive Systems
Instead of avoiding the occurrence of chaos or stabilizing the chaotic phenomenon in electric drive systems, it is becoming attractive to stimulate the occurrence of chaos and hence to positively utilize chaos. The stimulation of chaos, termed the chaoization, can be classified into two approaches: control-oriented chaoization and design-oriented chaoization. The control-oriented approaches – which offer the definite advantage of flexibility, but need additional control – use control means to stimulate the system exhibiting chaotic behavior. On the other hand, the design-oriented approaches – which offer the definite advantage of simplicity, but lack flexibility – design the system so that it can inherently generate chaotic behavior.
In this chapter, the control-oriented and design-oriented chaoization are both discussed, hence stimulating chaotic operation in various electric drive systems.
7.1 Control-Oriented Chaoization
Many control approaches that have been proposed to stimulate chaos in various nonlinear systems. For the stimulation of chaos in electric drive systems, the available approaches are quite limited, and most of them are still under theoretical development (Ge, Cheng, and Chen, 2004). In this section, several viable control approaches that have been successfully implemented in electric drive systems are discussed, namely time-delay feedback control, proportional time-delay control, and chaotic speed reference ...