Glossary of terms

111 Project 111 计划

863 Program 863 计划

973 Program 973 计划

All-China Youth Federation (ACYF) 中华全国青年联合会(全国青联

All-Chinese Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese (ACFROC) 中华全国归国华侨联合会(中国侨联)

All-Japan Federation of Overseas Chinese Professionals 中国留日同学总会

Association of Chinese–American Scientists and Engineers (ACSE) 旅美中国科学家工程师专业人士协会

Association of Chinese Chemists and Chemical Engineers in Germany (GCCCD 中国旅德学者化学化工学会

Association of Chinese Scientists and Engineers in Japan (ACSEJ) 在日中国科学技术者联盟

Association of Wenzhou Ph.D.s USA 全美温州博士协会

Austria–China International Economic and Trade Promotion Association (OECGIW) 奥中国际经济贸易促进会

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) 一带一路倡议

CAST–FCPAE European (Belgium) Base for Entrepreneurship ...

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