10 TC|Works Spark XL


Spark is an audio waveform editor that lets you work on mono or stereo audio files and prepare audio files for burning to CD. Previous versions let you transfer samples to and from popular samplers via SCSI and would also let you import Akai-format CD-ROMs containing Akai samples. And Spark XL was a special version of Spark that featured Pro Tools TDM compatibility.

Since the beginning of 2003 there has only been one version of Spark available: Spark XL – version 2.8 at the time of writing. The ‘regular’ version, ‘Spark’, has been discontinued and, since version 2.5, Spark XL no longer includes the ‘Native Bundle’ plug-ins; no longer supports Akai import; and no longer includes ‘Sampler support’ via SCSI. Also, ...

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