Chapter 8

Summarizing Sheets

In This Chapter

arrow Creating new spreadsheets

arrow Entering and formatting numbers

arrow Use Sheets to calculate

arrow Save, export, and collaborate with Sheets

Before the era of computers, accounting and other business finance–related mathematical computations were performed with good old paper and pencil. Accounting worksheets provided on-sheet organization with rows and columns that intersected to create cells. Each cell would then contain some sort of value, and calculations could then be performed and written into corresponding cells in different rows and columns.

When personal computers came on the scene, they revolutionized the way that businesses and finance professionals conducted business. Digital spreadsheets made it easier to enter data and automatically calculate results. And, of course, editing without needing a pencil eraser or whiteout was a miracle!

Spreadsheets have evolved quite substantially over the years, and while Microsoft Excel and Apple’s Numbers have quite a bit of market share, Google Sheets is fast on the rise and has some extremely powerful ...

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