Chapter 12
Mustering Your Music
In This Chapter
Navigating Google Play Music
Creating and managing your music library
Accessing the complete Google Play catalog
Making playlists
Creating a radio station
Before the advent of the Internet, the primary delivery mechanism for music was radio and television. Broadcast media almost dictated what was popular simply because there was no other way to get exposed to new music unless you scoured the record bins at the local music store. Or maybe you had friends that had a cool older sibling who gave out mixtapes to broaden your musical horizons. The Internet turned the entire media industry on its head by providing access to anything, anywhere, anytime.
These days, purchasing physical music media is primarily done by collectors and super-fans. Broadcast radio is shrinking and consolidating. When was the last time MTV played a music video? The expansion of the Internet, broadband access, and wireless technology has revolutionized the way the ...
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