Chapter 16
eBooks on Chromebooks
In This Chapter
Finding books in Google Play
Purchasing and uploading books
Reading books on your Chromebook
eBook is short for electronic book. Over the past decade, several devices were created specifically for serving up entire libraries of novels in a single device. Amazon created the Kindle, Barnes & Nobles created the Nook, and Apple created iBooks, which is the book platform that resides on all of their iDevices. The benefits of eBooks are numerous, but perhaps the biggest is convenience. With eBooks, you no longer have to lug around heavy paper books; now you can store hundreds of books on a single slim device.
Although eBooks will never entirely replace the analog experience of turning pages, reading books on your Chromebook is an excellent way to enjoy a good novel. The Google Play store is home to over 5 million titles, and that number continues to grow!
In this chapter, you learn how to load Google Play Books on your Chromebook and how to navigate the Play Bookstore. I show you how to add new books to your library — and some books in the Play Bookstore are available for free! Using your Chromebook, you can read your books online and ...
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