
queue-list — global


queue-list number protocol value 
                queue-number [port-type 
queue-list number protocol value 
                queue-number [list list-number]
queue-list number interface interface 
queue-list number 
               queue-number byte-count size-in-bytes
queue-list number queue queue-number limit size-in-packets
queue-list number default queue-number
no queue-list number


Custom queueing




The queue-list commands define a custom queue list, which is a group of queues that can be used to configure the amount of bandwidth used by specific types of traffic. A custom queue is different from a priority queue in that a priority queue only allows you to set the relative priority of different traffic types. The queue-list byte-count command creates queues within the list and assigns each queue a transmission size. The default transmission size is 1500 bytes. The queue-list queue command specifies the absolute size of a queue, in packets. The queue-list protocol command assigns traffic for a given protocol and port to one of the queues in a queue list; instead of specifying a protocol and port, you can specify an IP access list. The queue-list interface command assigns traffic arriving for a given interface to one of the queues; and the queue-list default command assigns all otherwise unassigned traffic to one of the queues.

To use a queue list, it must be applied to an interface using the custom-queue-list command.

When sending traffic out an ...

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