1. Who Gives a Darn About Conflict?
If It Happened to Them, It Can Happen to You
As an outspoken critic of social oppression and inequality, feminist pop culture media critic Anita Sarkeesian1 has had her share of detractors, but it was her Kickstarter video project that caused the proverbial s**t to hit the fan. In May 2012, Sarkeesian launched her project “Tropes Vs. Women in Video Games” on the fundraising platform to raise money for the creation of a video series examining the most common stereotypes of female characters in video games, stereotypes such as Damsel in Distress, The Fighting F#@k Toy, The Sexy Sidekick, and The Sexy Villainess.2 Despite its positive purpose, her project rubbed some people the wrong way, and Sarkeesian found ...
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