Problem 33
Parrondo's Perplexing Paradox (1996)
Problem. Consider the following games G1, G2, and G3, in each of which $1 is won if a head is obtained, otherwise $1 is lost (assuming the player starts with $0).
G1: A biased coin that has probability of heads .495 is tossed.
G2: If the net gain is a multiple of three, coin A is tossed. The latter has probability of heads .095. If the net gain is not a multiple of three, coin B is tossed. The latter has probability of heads .745.
G3: G1 and G2 are played in any random order.
Prove that although G1 and G2 each result in a net expected loss, G3 results in a net expected gain.
Solution. For game G1 the net expected gain is $1(.495) − $1(.505) = −$.01.
For game G2, let denote the net gain of the player after n tosses. Then, given all the prior values of the net gain, the value of depends only on , that is, is a Markov chain.1 Moreover, 2 is also a Markov chain with states {0, 1, 2} and transition probability matrix
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