
A. Parameters of the Simulation Models

Table 9.A.1

Parameters of the Simplified Model (Turbine and Generator)

Density area, ρ (kg/m)1.225
Nominal mechanical power, Pm,n (MW)5
Radius of the turbine, R (m)63
Nominal wind speed, vn (m/s)12
Gain of the multiplier, G97
Inertia of the turbine, Jt (kg/m)35.44 × 106
Inertia of the generator, Jg (kg/m)534.116
Shaft spring constant, K (N/m/rad)867.64 × 106
Shaft mutual damping, D (N/m/s/rad)6.217 × 106
Hydraulic time constant, τH (s)0.05

Table 9.A.2

Parameters of the Detailed Model

ParametersSCIG 2 kWSCIG 149.2 kWDFIG 1.5 MW
Effective voltage, Vs (V)380460610
Frequency, fs (Hz)505050
Leakage resistance, Rf (Ω)3.40.13
The leakage inductance, Lf (mH)3.322.5
Density area, ρ (kg/m

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