Cleaning Data in Excel with Power Query Part 2

Video description

Ready for the second part of Cleaning Data in Excel with Power Query?

In this lesson, we're transforming our unruly dataset for easy, organised data analysis. We'll start by removing unnecessary rows and blank spaces and getting rid of any unwanted elements. We’ll explore techniques to align and split columns for a more structured layout.

We'll explore clever tricks to handle any quirks in your data. By the end, you'll have a refined dataset ready for analysis.

Learning Objectives

  • Remove unnecessary rows, handle blank spaces, merge and split columns, and fine-tune data types.

Table of contents

  1. Cleaning Data in Excel with Power Query Part 2

Product information

  • Title: Cleaning Data in Excel with Power Query Part 2
  • Author(s): Assemble You Limited
  • Release date: March 2024
  • Publisher(s): Assemble You
  • ISBN: None