CHAPTER 1Adjusting Your Mindset About Investing

Adjust your mindset; empower yourself to succeed.


The way you think about investing makes all the difference in whether or not you'll actually become a successful investor. That's why I believe it's so important first to adjust your mindset around investing, especially if you've had any negative thoughts or feelings toward it in the past. The last thing you want is for your own thoughts to be the roadblock in the way of the success you can achieve.

Some common things many of us tell ourselves about why we can't or shouldn't invest include:

  • Investing is too hard. I could never learn how to do it.
  • Investing is only for rich people. They have extra money to burn.
  • Investing is the same as gambling. I might as well hit the slots in Vegas.
  • Investing is scary and I work too hard for my money to take those types of risks.

Do any of the above statements sound familiar? In the past when you've thought about investing, you may have felt anxious, overwhelmed, confused, or stressed-out. Well, girlfriend, let's change that.

Here's the truth:

  • Yes, investing can be hard to do, but it doesn't have to be if you have the right plan and strategy in place specific to your unique needs.
  • Yes, rich people invest their money. For the most part, this is how they've built their wealth. But so can you! With commitment, discipline, and knowledge you can even join the ranks of the wealthy yourself.
  • Yes, many consider investing a gamble. ...

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