Nothing Else Mattered

JoAnn and I were changed forever. We never again thought about the commission. We never again begrudged the hours of futility when a home didn’t sell for what the sellers wanted or when buyers couldn’t find what they had to have. We never again brooded over the expenses on an individual property. We simply knew that as long as we kept the client nothing else mattered. As long as the client’s needs came first, we would be rewarded in the satisfaction that we were doing the right thing.

This was the beginning of Clients First.

At the time, JoAnn and I knew we were changed by this decision, but what we didn’t realize then was that everything and everybody around us would be changed as well. We had no idea that something so simple would have the power to elevate our business, that Clients First would attract more clients in more ways than we would ever dream. We had no idea that Clients First was contagious and had the power to change others. We had no idea that what had begun as a moment of change would grow into a miracle. We had no idea that this change was only a beginning, only the start of successive changes. We had no idea how big Clients First would become in our lives and the lives of others.

What about the Smiths and the Browns? Almost like a fairy tale, although this is a true account, we found a home for the Browns, and they loved it more than the first house. And we did sell the 71st Street home for more money only a week later. And they all lived ...

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