Chapter 8: Clinical Graphs Using SAS 9.4 GTL
8.1 Distribution of ASAT by Time and Treatment 211
8.2 Most Frequent On-Therapy Adverse Events Sorted by Relative Risk. 213
8.3 Treatment Emergent Adverse Events with Largest Risk Difference with NNT. 216
8.4 Butterfly Plot of Cancer Deaths by Cause and Gender 218
8.5 Forest Plot of Impact of Treatment on Mortality by Study. 222
8.6 Forest Plot of Hazard Ratios by Patient Subgroups. 226
8.7 Product-Limit Survival Estimates. 231
8.8 Bivariate Distribution Plot 236
Most commonly used clinical graphs have a simple single-cell structure with one main data area, two or more axes, and other related items such as axis tables that can be configured using the SGPLOT procedure as described ...
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