Chapter 20. What’s Next?
If you’ve gotten all you can out of this book—or you want to look ahead to what’s waiting for you once you have a firm grasp on Clojure’s fundamentals—you might want to take a look at the projects and resources listed here. These are some of the coolest things we know of in the Clojure universe. Some of them will help you learn Clojure better, some of them might be useful to you in your “real” projects, and others are just too fun to not check out at least once.
Finally, because Clojure is a relatively new language with a community that is growing and building like mad, new awesome stuff pops up all the time. If you head over to, we’ll do our best to keep up with it all and point you at the best of the best.
(dissoc Clojure ‘JVM)
There are two other well-supported implementations of Clojure that target other execution environments. If you like what you see here, but need to deploy outside of the JVM, then ClojureCLR or ClojureScript might be just what you need.
ClojureCLR[440] is a port of Clojure to the .NET CLR. It is not a naive cross-compilation; rather, it is maintained separately, and aims to provide the same degree of tight host interoperability for the CLR that Clojure does for the JVM. Given the differences between the JVM and the CLR, this means that ClojureCLR provides some facilities that Clojure does not.
While ClojureCLR has not seen as much use as Clojure proper, it is mature, well-tested, and represents a great ...
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