Chapter 5. Data and State

As discussed earlier, ClojureScript is a member of the functional family of programming languages, meaning that the function is the primary unit of abstraction and composition. You can view any ClojureScript program as a collection of functions, and interpret its structure by observing the function call graph.

However, with only a very slight shift in viewpoint, you can also understand any functional program in terms of the data that it manipulates and how that data flows through the system. Every function takes some data as arguments and returns data when it is complete. Usually, the end goal of a program is not to invoke certain execution paths, but to create, retrieve, or transform data in one form or another. Functions are simply the tool for doing so. In a very real sense, one could say that “data-oriented programing” is a synonym for “functional programming.”

Clojure and ClojureScript recognize this, and therefore provide a carefully-designed set of data primitives and composite data structures that are both easy to use and philosophically aligned with basic theories about what data is. It is a common remark among experienced Clojure programmers that they came to Clojure for the concurrency, but stayed for the data structures. ClojureScript brings these data structures and their associated mindset to the browser, where they have proven to be an equally good fit.


ClojureScript provides a small set of primitive data types. Each type maps directly ...

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