Chapter 15. Multisite Deployment Pattern

This advanced pattern focuses on deploying a single application to more than one data center.

Deploying to multiple data centers helps reduce network latency by routing a client to the nearest data center, which improves the user experience. This also provides the seeds of a solution that can handle failover across data centers and improve availability.

If multisite deployment does not improve user experience and your application does not need cross-data center failover, use of this pattern may be overkill.


The Multisite Deployment Pattern is effective in dealing with the following challenges:

  • Users are not clustered near any single data center, but form clusters around multiple data centers or are widely distributed geographically

  • Regulations limit options for storing data in specific data centers

  • Circumstances require that the public cloud be used in concert with on-premises resources

  • Application must be resilient to the loss of a single data center

This pattern helps deal with a user base that is not conveniently clustered in a single geographic area. Some of the reasons for this include use of the application from unpredictable locations during travel, globally distributed mobile applications, and companies with offices distributed across many geographical locations.

This pattern is similar in some ways to Chapter 14, CDN Pattern, in that we strive to bring our application closer to our users. The CDN focus is on bringing files closer to ...

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