Chapter 21. Working with Mobile Web Services


  • Learning about Web services

  • Using Web sites on mobile devices

  • Understanding how services are discovered

  • Understanding push technology

Mobile devices use more network traffic in consuming Web services than do fixed-line systems. Most people find that their use of Web services is increasing dramatically year after year. Indeed, as this chapter shows you, the Web is becoming a source of rich content for mobile devices.

Mobile devices present some challenges for Web services. Specifically, their device characteristics don't match the resolution and detail of desktop computers. For that reason, many service protocols are specifically aimed at providing the necessary translation required to make Web sites look good on mobile devices.

To use a Web service, a device needs to know about that service and know how to access it. This chapter describes some of the methods used for Web service discovery based on standard methods.

Mobile devices can transmit specific information about the condition of the device and its user. This information, when properly parsed and logically analyzed, can be used to create context-aware services. Location-based services are offered as the prime example of this feature.

Push services are an important mechanism in e-mail and in certain forms of publishing. In this chapter, you learn about different push services, including how BlackBerry does push and the Lemonade Profile. The Short Message System (SMS) is a ...

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