An Ontology for the Cloud in mOSAIC

Francesco Moscato

Department of European and Mediterranean StudiesSecond University of Naples, Italy

Rocco Aversa, Beniamino Di Martino, Massimiliano Rak and Salvatore Venticinque

Department of Information EngineeringSecond University of Naples, Italy

Dana Petcu

Computer Science DepartmentWestern University of Timisoara


20.1  Introduction

20.2  The mOSAIC Project

20.3  Languages for Ontologies Definition

20.4  Cloud Standards and Proposals

20.5  mOSAIC Ontology

20.5.1  The mOSAIC Methodology for Building Cloud Ontology

20.5.2  Cloud Ontology Main Structure and Components

20.6  Conclusions

Cloud Computing has emerged as a model to provide access to large amount of data and computational resources ...

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