Chapter 10

Data Loss and Disaster Recovery


Bullet Recognizing the dangers of email

Bullet Keeping data loss at a minimum

Bullet Securing cloud data from theft

Bullet Dealing with disasters

Bullet Taking chaos in stride

Cloud security is about more than protecting your data from hackers — it’s also about securing the data from loss caused by theft or disaster. Data loss prevention (DLP) has a simple goal: Keep important data safe, whether from leaving your business in an unauthorized manner — walking out the door, you might say — or totally lost because of some random disaster. It’s a major issue for security administrators because of the landscape and the scope of the challenge — particularly when the landscape includes multiple cloud environments.

A great percentage of data loss comes from within and not from external hack attempts. As unpleasant as it might sound, you’re faced with protecting the data from the intentional or unintentional actions of people who might actually have approved access ...

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