
Note: Page numbers followed by f and t indicate figures and tables.


Absolute distance mode (G90), 112–113, 113f

Absolute IJ mode, 97

Accented fonts, 197–198, 198f

Acme screws, 38

teeth per inch (TPI), 41

ADA (American Disabilities Act), 21

ADA signage, 192–194

ADA restroom sign, 193f

ADA sign, 194f

Adjunct devices for controller hardware, 78–79

Adobe Illustrator, 140

Aftermarket engraving spindle, 10, 11f

Alpha-numeric ASCII-based machine-command, 90–93, 92t–93t

Alternating current (AC) motors, 62

Aluminum, 12, 18–19

American Disabilities Act, 21. See also ADA signage

Angle bracket (with lead screw nut), 180f

Angular contact bearings, 35

Antares, 21

Antibacklash nut, 38, 39f, 40f

Arc at feed rate (G02, G03), 96–99, 96f

ArtCAM (by DelCAM), ...

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