15The Holy Grail
Brian's linebacking core had another great practice that was filled with high fives and enthusiasm. The positive energy was spilling over to the other players on the team as well, and the coaching staff was getting more optimistic about the big game on Saturday. Although they were considered a 20-point underdog, Brian could tell they were not the same team as the week before.
After practice, the linebackers, led by Marcus, stayed to do some extra work on hand fighting. Brian saw there were some new and important connections forming and excused himself from the group so he could still get to the Trackside Diner on time.
Again Brian made it a few minutes early hoping to beat the old coach to their usual table. And once again, the old coach was already there waiting with a smile on his face.
“Another good day?” asked the old coach.
“You said it, Coach!” replied Brian as he pulled out his golden notebook and placed it on the table. “The team has really been on fire. They are working together, the high fives are happening naturally, and I'm especially proud of Marcus for opening up and becoming a leader with the linebackers.”
“Did you tell Marcus you're proud of him?” asked the old coach.
“I told him during the paper exercise,” said Brian, “but I haven't told him since. Ugh. I see what you mean now, Coach. Sometimes we see something we like, are proud of it, but only say it in our heads as if the person should just know it. Thanks for the reminder. I'll keep working ...
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