Coaching for Emotional Intelligence: The Secret to Developing the Star Potential in Your Employees

Book description

Performance is just one part of an employee's overall development as a professional and as a leader

This crucial development depends on the employee's emotional intelligence and the ability of the manager to encourage and increase it. Coaching for Emotional Intelligence provides a carefully planned strategy to help managers address the issues that make coaching for EI more challenging than coaching for performance alone.

Key features

  • Coaching too often focuses entirely on job performance. While important, performance coaching does not do very much to develop exceptional talent or nurture overall growth. This book gives managers the tools to help employees make the leap from solid performer to superstar

  • Demonstrates how managers can leverage and develop such factors as personality traits, communication styles, and personal behaviours

  • Clear, accessible, and practical approach to an often elusive subject

  • Table of contents

    1. Contents (1/2)
    2. Contents (2/2)
    3. Acknowledgments
    4. Introduction (1/2)
    5. Introduction (2/2)
      1. 1 Understanding Emotional Intelligence
        1. The Emergence of Emotional Intelligence: Why Sheer Brainpower Just Isn’t Enough
        2. Defining Emotional Intelligence
        3. Lynn’s Model of Emotional Intelligence
        4. Mastery of Mission, Vision, and Guiding Principles
        5. Self-Awareness and Self-Control
        6. Empathy
        7. Social Expertness
        8. Personal Influence
        9. Skill Application (1/2)
        10. Skill Application (2/2)
        11. Reflections
      2. 2 The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Professional Success
        1. Emotional Intelligence and the Complexity of Work
        2. Emotional Intelligence and High IQ Professions
        3. Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
        4. Matching Emotional Intelligence to the Position: The Simmons EQ Profile (1/2)
        5. Matching Emotional Intelligence to the Position: The Simmons EQ Profile (2/2)
        6. Reflections
      3. 3 How Emotional Intelligence Raises the Bar for Coaching
        1. The Scarcity of Coaching in the Workplace
        2. Why Managers Don’t Coach As Often As They Should
        3. The Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Coaching Provided by Managers
        4. Performance Management vs. Coaching for Emotional Intelligence
        5. Reflections
      4. 4 Coaching and the Diversity of the Human Experience
        1. The Influence of Genetics
        2. Growing Up in a Small Town
        3. Formative Circumstances and Experiences
        4. Everyone Has a Story
        5. Reflections
      1. 5 Personal Connections: Laying the Foundation for Coaching
        1. Work and Leadership in the Industrial Age
        2. Sweeping Change: Leadership in the Information Age
        3. Can Coaching Have an Impact on Emotional Intelligence?
        4. Five Requirements for Effective Coaching (1/2)
        5. Five Requirements for Effective Coaching (2/2)
        6. Reflections
      2. 6 Improving Your Descriptive Skills
        1. Good Coaching Makes Performance Appraisals Easier
        2. Describing Performance: Elemental Skills for Coaching
        3. Describing Performance in Need of Improvement
        4. Describing Performance That Meets Your Expectations
        5. Skill Development
      3. 7 So Now What Do You Say? A Structured Format for Coaching
        1. Opening Statement
        2. Observation
        3. Impact
        4. Request
        5. Skill Development
      1. 8 Praise: Such a Small Effort—Such a Huge Return
        1. Delivering Praise
        2. Why Don’t Managers Praise More?
        3. Guidelines for Effective Praise
        4. Structured Format for Praise
        5. Praise to Acknowledge Performance
        6. Praise to Acknowledge Emotional Intelligence
        7. Reflections
        8. Skill Applications
      2. 9 Corrective Coaching for Job Performance
        1. Questions Often Asked About Corrective Coaching
        2. Formulating Corrective Coaching
        3. Examples of Corrective Coaching for Performance
        4. Skill Development
        5. Skill Applications
      3. 10 Corrective Coaching to Develop Emotional Intelligence
        1. Core Beliefs
        2. Behaviors That Require Coaching
        3. Four Steps in Coaching for Emotional Intelligence
        4. Spontaneous Coaching
        5. Skill Development
        6. Skill Applications
      4. 11 Preparing for a Formal Coaching Interview
        1. Gathering and Recording Information
        2. The Coaching Preparation Worksheet
        3. Skill Application (1/2)
        4. Skill Application (2/2)
      5. 12 Structuring the Formal Coaching Interview
        1. The Formal Coaching Interview Form
        2. Factors to Consider
        3. Structuring the Interview
        4. The Importance of Follow-Up
        5. Case Study: Sample Formal Coaching Interview
        6. Follow-Up Coaching
      6. 13 The Limitations of Coaching
        1. Invest Your Coaching Time Wisely
        2. Making the Call: When to Coach and When to Cut Bait
        3. A Failure of Nerve
        4. Responding to Psychological and Physical Conditions
        5. Making a Referral for an Evaluation
        6. Reflections
    9. Afterword
    10. Recommended Readings
    11. Index
      1. A
      2. B
      3. C
      4. D
      5. E
      6. F
      7. G
      8. H
      9. I
      10. L
      11. M
      12. N
      13. O
      14. P
      15. R
      16. S
      17. T
      18. U
      19. V
      20. W
    12. About the Author

    Product information

    • Title: Coaching for Emotional Intelligence: The Secret to Developing the Star Potential in Your Employees
    • Author(s): Bob Wall
    • Release date: October 2006
    • Publisher(s): AMACOM
    • ISBN: None