42 Narrative coaching – Part 3: Approaches for groups, teams, organisations and community

Ho Law


This paper explores how narrative coaching is applied for groups, teams, organisations and communities using techniques called outsider witness and definitional ceremony. It includes applications in the organisational context and discussions on their implications for research and practices. In Part 2, I called for action research as part of narrative coaching practice. This paper demonstrates how the process of action research can be embedded in narrative coaching. The procedures are powerful, effective, and an efficient way to widen access to training and psychological interventions especially in crisis situations e.g. the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, Covid-19 pandemic and climate emergency.


Climate emergency coaching psychology; Covid-19 pandemic; coaching; community; group; narrative; practice; self-identity; learning; action research.

Original publication details: Law, H. (2020, December). Narrative coaching – Part 3: Approaches for groups, teams, organisations and community. The Coaching Psychologist, 16(2), 59–70. Reproduced with permission of The British Psychological Society.

‘A one-to-one conversation focused on the enhancement of learning and development through increasing self-awareness and a sense of personal responsibility where the coach facilitates the self-directed learning of the coachee through questioning, active listening, and appropriate ...

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