Related Books
Fast on the heels of the release of Mac OS X 10.0, O’Reilly began publishing a series of books as part of its ADC series, a joint-publishing agreement between Apple and O’Reilly. The books published in the ADC series are aimed at Mac OS X developers. Included in this series are several excellent Cocoa books:
- Cocoa Design Patterns
As more users “Switch” from Unix and Windows to the Mac, programmers need to stay ahead of the curve and develop their applications using Apple’s Cocoa frameworks. This book illustrates the core design patterns of Cocoa programming, and transfers knowledge about the structure and rationale of Cocoa—something that isn’t covered in any other book in print. The book explains the essential patterns of objects that are used in Cocoa, and describes problems solved by Cocoa and the consequences of each solution. At the time of this writing, this book is still in development, but should be released by O’Reilly & Associates in the summer of 2003.
- Learning Cocoa with Objective-C
Now in its second edition, Learning Cocoa with Objective-C, by James Duncan Davidson, is a great first book for Cocoa beginners. It eases you into the experience of Cocoa development not merely by reading, but by doing. After introductions to Project Builder and Interface Builder, you’ll quickly come up to speed on the concepts of object-oriented programming with Objective-C.
- Objective-C Pocket Reference
This small book by Andrew M. Duncan provides a quick and concise introduction ...
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