Bundles and Resource Management
A bundle is an abstraction that represents a collection of resources, such as image files, nib files, or loadable code, stored within a folder. Bundles are used pervasively in Mac OS X—applications are themselves bundles, as are preference pane and screensaver modules and application plug-ins. Although bundles are directories, the Finder often presents them to the user as a single file. For a more in-depth discussion of bundles and their usage in Mac OS X, see Inside Mac OS X: System Overview (/Developer/Documentation/Essentials/SystemOverview/SystemOverview.pdf ).
provides an interface to bundles in the
filesystem. Every Cocoa application has at least one bundle—the
main bundle, accessed using the mainBundle
method—that represents the application. To load other bundles,
use the methods initWithPath
: or
:. To access a bundle containing a
given class, use bundleForClass
Loading Resources
Using NSBundle
you can obtain the paths to resources without
knowledge of a bundle’s internal directory structure
or what localization is used. Methods that find a resource come in
two flavors: those that retrieve individual resources, whose names
are on the base method name
:, and those that return all
resources of a type, which are based on the method name
:. The paths returned by
these methods are absolute paths in the filesystem. For example,
consider the method pathForResource:ofType
:. Given ...
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