NSBundle — Mac OS X 10.0
This class represents directories in the filesystem that contain
executable binaries, and any resources
needed by the executable, such as images, sounds, or nibs. For more
information about NSBundle
, see Chapter 2.
@interface NSBundle : NSObject
// Convenience Constructors
+ (NSBundle *)bundleForClass:(Class)aClass; |
+ (NSBundle *)bundleWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier; |
+ (NSBundle *)bundleWithPath:(NSString *)path; |
// Initializers
- (id)initWithPath:(NSString *)path; |
// Class Methods
+ (NSArray *)allBundles;
+ (NSArray *)allFrameworks;
+ (BOOL)loadNibFile:(NSString *)fileName externalNameTable:(NSDictionary *)context withZone:(NSZone *)zone; |
+ (BOOL)loadNibNamed:(NSString *)nibName owner:(id)owner; |
+ (NSBundle *)mainBundle;
+ (NSString *)pathForResource:(NSString *)name ofType:(NSString *)ext inDirectory:(NSString *)path; |
+ (NSArray *)pathsForResourcesOfType:(NSString *)ext inDirectory:(NSString *)subpath; |
+ (NSArray *)preferredLocalizationsFromArray:(NSArray *)localizationsArray; |
+ (NSArray *)preferredLocalizationsFromArray:(NSArray *)localizationsArray forPreferences:(NSArray *)preferencesArray; |
// Instance Methods
- (NSString *)builtInPlugInsPath;
- (NSString *)bundleIdentifier;
- (NSString *)bundlePath;
- (Class)classNamed:(NSString *)className; |
- (NSAttributedString *)contextHelpForKey ... |
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