NSDate — Mac OS X 10.0
This class represents a date and time as the number
of seconds since the absolute reference date, which is defined as
midnight, January 1, 2001, GMT. This class allows you to compare
dates, compute time intervals between dates, and obtain string
representations of the NSDate
object. The dates
represented by NSDate
are not suitable for
presentation to human users. NSDateFormatter
objects are used by NSCell
objects to convert raw
dates into human readable representations. If your application
requires the ability to work with date information in terms of a
calendar—that is, days, weeks, months, years, and so
on—the Foundation framework provides the
subclass NSCalendarDate
is toll-free bridged with the Core
Foundation type CFDate
. As such,
objects can be used interchangeably with
the CFDate
pointer type,
See the NSCalendarDate
class description for more
information. Additionally, Chapter 2 provides more
detailed information on the use of NSDate
@interface NSDate : NSObject <NSCoding, NSCopying>
// Convenience Constructors
+ (id)date;
+ (id)dateWithString:(NSString *)aString; |
+ (id)dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:(NSTimeInterval)secs; |
+ (id)dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:(NSTimeInterval)secs; |
+ (id)dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate:(NSTimeInterval)secs; |
// Initializers
- (id)init;
- (id)initWithString ... |
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