NSImage — Mac OS X 10.0
This class is the general interface to images in the AppKit.
Instances of NSImage
usually have one or more
image representations (instances of the class
or one of its subclasses) associated
with them. The purpose of keeping multiple image representations is
so the image data can be rendered on a variety of devices, with each
image representation providing rendering functionality for a specific
@interface NSImage : NSObject <NSCoding, NSCopying>
// Convenience Constructors
+ (NSArray *)imageFileTypes;
+ (id)imageNamed:(NSString *)name; |
+ (NSArray *)imagePasteboardTypes;
+ (NSArray *)imageUnfilteredFileTypes;
+ (NSArray *)imageUnfilteredPasteboardTypes;
// Initializers
- (id)initByReferencingFile:(NSString *)fileName; |
- (id)initByReferencingURL:(NSURL *)url; |
- (id)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)fileName; |
- (id)initWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)url; |
- (id)initWithData:(NSData *)data; |
- (id)initWithPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pasteboard; |
- (id)initWithSize:(NSSize)aSize; |
// Accessor Methods
- (void)setSize:(NSSize)aSize; |
- (NSSize)size;
- (void)setPrefersColorMatch:(BOOL)flag; |
- (BOOL)prefersColorMatch;
- (void)setCacheMode:(NSImageCacheMode)mode; |
- (NSImageCacheMode)cacheMode;
- (void)setUsesEPSOnResolutionMismatch:(BOOL)flag; |
- (BOOL)usesEPSOnResolutionMismatch;
- (void)setFlipped ... |
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