
Chapter 3: Introducing the Cocoa and OS X Documentation


In This Chapter

Understanding resource types

Using the documentation

After the brief tour of frameworks and layers earlier in the previous chapter, the OS X and Cocoa documentation should be easier to understand than if you'd dived into it cold. Apple makes the Cocoa documentation, shown in Figure 3.1, available in two places. Developers can download and install the free Xcode SDK, as described in Chapter 4. In addition to a suite of design tools, the SDK includes a full set of documentation visible in a simple Safari-based viewer. Nondevelopers and prospective developers can view the Cocoa documentation online. Currently the URL is

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Apple occasionally rearranges its developer Web site, so the documentation URL isn't guaranteed to remain accurate. If the URL changes, expect a redirect to the new location. If no redirect is available, you can find the location by searching for “Mac OS X Reference Library.” The library has always been freely available online and this ...

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