


Measure the percentage of positive contributions by each coder relative to others on the team.
Influence = Individual (O-Impact + D-Impact) / Team (O-Impact + D-Impact)


The individual coders on a software team have the following Offensive and Defensive Impact totals during work on a software release:

Coder A: O-Impact 20, D-Impact 10
Coder B: O-Impact 23, D-Impact 12
Coder C: O-Impact 22, D-Impact 0
Coder D: O-Impact 33, D-Impact 16

The sum total of the O-Impact and D-Impact for the team is then:

Team (O-Impact + D-Impact) = (20 + 23 + 22 + 33) + (10 + 12 + 0 + 16) = 136

The Influence for each individual coder can then be calculated as follows:

Influence Coder A = (20 + 10) / 136 = .22
Influence Coder B = (23 + 12) / 136 = .26
Influence Coder C = (22 + 0) / 136 = .16
Influence Coder D = (33 + 16) / 136 = .36


I call this the Influence metric because, by adding up Offensive and Defensive Impact, it summarizes the level of impact, or influence, that each individual coder has on the results achieved by the software team. The higher the number, the better.

The way the metric is calculated, the sum of all team member’s Influence values will add up to 1.0. There’s no inherent meaning in a particular Influence value, but they are meaningful in relative measurement to each other. In other words, if a coder has an Influence of .24, that alone doesn’t tell you much, but it does mean that the coder has twice the Influence as another coder who has a value of ...

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