Chapter 9
Moving Right Along …
Creating animation
Mixing other people's code with your own code
Animating size and color changes
Dragging widgets without dropping them or breaking them
This chapter is about animation — making things change right before the user's eyes. When I think about animation, I immediately think of movement, but Flutter provides a much broader definition of animation. With Flutter, you can change almost any property of a widget on almost any time scale.
Setting the Stage for Flutter Animation
This chapter's first listing has a bunch of reusable code. Subsequent listings contain code that works cooperatively with the code in the first listing. Thanks to Dart's extensions feature, each new listing can create methods belonging to the first listing's classes. You can read all about Dart extensions in Book 4, Chapter 8.
The code in Listing 9-1 can't do anything on its own. Instead, this code relies on declarations in the chapter's other listings.
LISTING 9-1: Reuse This Code
// app09main.dartimport 'package:flutter/material.dart';import 'app0902.dart'; ...
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