Chapter 2

Installing a Python Distribution


Bullet Determining which Python distribution to use

Bullet Performing a Linux, macOS X, and Windows installation

Bullet Obtaining the data sets and example code

Life is short (you need Python).


Before you can do too much with Python or use it to solve problems, you need a workable installation. In addition, you need access to the data sets and code used for this book. This chapter tells you how to perform the required Python setups and downloads. Downloading the sample code (found at and installing it on your system is the best way to get a good learning experience from the book.

Remember Using the downloadable source code doesn't prevent you from typing the examples on your own, following them using a debugger, expanding them, or working with the code in all sorts of ways. The downloadable source code is there to help you get a good start with your Python learning experience. After you see how the code works when it’s correctly typed and configured, you can try to create the examples on your own. If ...

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