Chapter 7

Scanner scripting


This chapter covers the use of Netcat, Nmap, and Nessus/OpenVAS, and what we can do with them through scripting languages. We talk about automating Netcat through shell scripts, in order to allow us to send files, run simple network services, and forward ports, altering or adding to the behavior of Nmap, customization of Nessus and OpenVAS through the use of the Nessus Attack Scripting Language, and several other similar tasks.


Netcat; Nmap; Nessus; OpenVAS; services; ports; NASL

Information in This Chapter

• Working With Scanning Tools

• Netcat

• Nmap

• Nessus/OpenVAS


When conducting a penetration test, scanning tools can be pretty handy. Because their functionality can be customized or ...

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