
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures, “t” indicate tables and “b” indicate boxes.

0-9, and symbols

- - (comment character), 302
#(comment character)
bash, 24
Perl, 87
Python, 48
#! (shebang), 15–16
&& operator, 159
./ prefix, 15
@@ symbol, 144–145
| (pipe), 24
|| operator, 159
+ (concatenation operator), 47
+ modifier, Python, 64
<? (short open) tag, 154
< symbol
Perl, 101
Ruby, 128
<? php header, 154
> symbol, 101
>> symbol, 101
‘ (backtick), 24
; (semicolon), 87
/? flag, 288
! mark, 121
200 message, 51, 141


a (append) function, Python, 64
–a flag
Linux, 290–291
Windows, 288–290
Active Record module, Ruby, 133, 136–138, 137b, 138f
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) requests, 117, 117–118, 118, 118, 118b, 119, 119, 119

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