+ (addition operator), 20

= (assignment operator), 23

{...} (command line argument array), 138, 150

-- (comment), 38

/ (division operator), 20

" (double quote), 31

== (equal to operator), 5253

^ (exponentiation operator), 20

> (greater than operator), 52-53

>= (greater than or equal to operator), 5253

< (less than operator), 5253

<= (less than or equal to operator), 5253

% (modulus operator), 163164

--[[ ]] (multiline comment), 38

* (multiplication operator), 20

~= (not equal to operator), 5253

> (prompt), 13, 17

' (single quote), 31

.. (string concatenation operator), 3132

- (subtraction operator), 20


acacia tree, 89

addition operator (+), 20

algorithms, 61

and operator, 6566

announce program, 159

application programming ...

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