Functions 101

Fire up your favorite text editor and create a new coffee file, because it’s time to call our first function:

 console.log ​'Hello, functions!'

Hit your editor’s Run command, and you’ll get this greeting:

 Hello, functions!

No surprises there. The only CoffeeScript-specific feature we’re taking advantage of is implicit parentheses, which allows us to pass arguments to console.log without wrapping them in ().

Now let’s make things a little more interesting:

 console.log (-> ​'Hello, IIFE!'​)()
 Hello, IIFE!

What happened? Let’s break it down:

  1. -> defines a function. CoffeeScript uses these two characters in lieu of JavaScript’s function keyword.

  2. The function returns the string ’Hello, IIFE!’ because CoffeeScript functions have ...

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