Additional References

  1. Abor, J., Adjasi, C., & Kyereboah-Coleman, A. (2006). Corporate governance and firm performance: Evidence from Ghanaian listed companies. Corporate Ownership & Control, 4(2), Winter 2006–2007.
  2. Agrawal, A., & Chadha, S. (2005). Corporate governance and accounting scandals. Journal of Law and Economics, 48(2), 371–406.
  3. Akbar, A. (2014). Corporate governance and firm performance: Evidence from textile sector of Pakistan. Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 4(12), 200–207.
  4. Akinsulire, O. (2010). Financial Management (6th ed.). Lagos: Ceemol Nigeria Ltd.
  5. Al-Baidhani, Prof-Dr-Ahmed. (2014). The Role of Audit Committee in Corporate Governance: Descriptive Study. SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.2487167.
  6. Ames, D., Hines, ...

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