TERRY MARKS is a graphic designer living in Seattle, Washington. His firm, tmarks
design, affords him the opportunity to earn a living and search out what it is to do
meaningful work. He lives a happy life in the shire with his wife and child. He is also
the author of Good Design, Rockport Publishers, 2009. www.tmarksdesign.com
MINE was founded with the philosophy that good design is good business and that
working smart beats working big. A mutidisciplinary studio, MINE offers innovative
solutions to support corporate enterprise and nonprofit organizations. Emphasizing
intelligence-based design and sound strategic thinking, MINE seeks to create definitive,
stand-out work that projects a unique position of leadership and promotes the highest
standard of excellence. www.minesf.com
ORIGIN, founded in 1997 by Jim Mousner, is a design consultancy that creates brands
for its clients through creative and strategic solutions. Mousner has served on the
board of AIGA, and on an advisory panel for the School of Art and Culture and as
chairman of the Graphics Alumni Partnership at the University of Houston. Recognized
regionally and nationally, Origin’s work has been included in publications such as How,
Print, and Émigre. www.origindesign.com
TINA SUTTON has been a color consultant for over twenty five years specializing in
color and fashion marketing and forecasting consumer trends. She writes and lectures
on these topics and has appeared on television and radio programs nationwide. Sutton
teaches and speaks on the psychology of color at schools, businesses, and museums and
has delivered lectures at New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology, Massachusetts
College of Art, Skinner Auction Galleries, and the Springfield Museums.

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