Role-Based Security

The cornerstone of COM+ access control is role-based security. A role is a symbolic category of users who share the same security privileges. When you assign a role to an application resource, you grant access to that resource to whoever is a member of that role.

Configuring Role-Based Security

The best way to explain role-based security is by demonstration. Suppose you have a COM+ banking application. The application contains one component, the bank component. The bank component supports two interfaces that allow users to manage bank accounts and loans, defined as:

interface IAccountsManager : IUnknown
   HRESULT TransferMoney([in]int nSum,[in]DWORD dwAccountSrc,
                         [in]DWORD dwAccountDest);
   HRESULT OpenAccount([out,retval]DWORD* pdwAccount);
   HRESULT CloseAccount([in]DWORD dwAccount);
   HRESULT GetBalance([in]DWORD dwAccount,[out,retval]int* pnBalance);
interface ILoansManager : IUnknown
   HRESULT Apply([in]DWORD dwAccount,[out,retval]BOOL* pbApproved);
   HRESULT CalcPayment([in]DWORD dwSum,[out,retval]DWORD* pdwPayment);
   HRESULT MakePayment([in]DWORD dwAccount,[in]DWORD dwSum);

During the requirements-gathering phase of the product development, you discovered that not every user of the application should be able to access every method. In fact, there are four kinds of users:

  • The bank manager, the most powerful user, can access all methods on all interfaces of the component.

  • The bank teller can access all methods of the IAccountsManager interface, but is not authorized ...

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