The Future Is Teams
The old workplace is dead. Long live the new workplace!
Slow-moving, top-down bureaucracies are disappearing. Disruptive technologies have increased connectivity and the speed of communication. Work is becoming more flexible—and just plain faster. Organizational boundaries are blurring.
You can read about these changes every day in the business press. For example, The Economist recently proclaimed:1 “It is time to start caring about sharing.” This was just the latest in a string of stories about the arrival of the so-called sharing economy. The term captures an essential aspect of the startups that are replacing service providers like taxi cab companies and hotels. These traditional businesses have been dominated by organizations with generous numbers of full-time employees. But pioneers such as Uber and Airbnb are based on a different model, providing virtual platforms to connect thousands of private individuals who offer services independently and on their own time.
The New Regime
Does anyone have a real job in a real organization anymore? CIO Insight has said that “outsourcing is the new normal.” Inc. has introduced the new “anywhere office” being created by the growth of the flexible workforce. So, you have been warned. You need to pay more attention to new ways of collaborating and teaming. If not, you might find yourself out of the loop and out of work.
Hype or reality? Let's look more closely at the trends.
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