Author Biographies
Nicholas Addo
Nicholas has worked on Symbian OS for six years. He first joined the Browser Technology group in Symbian, developing a generic framework for content handling. He then moved to the Personal Information Management group to work on Enterprise Group Scheduling technology. From there, he joined the Multi-technology development group to work on cross-technology and process-improvement projects. This included a stint in product management defining a Component Technology product strategy for Symbian OS and an ongoing involvement in improvement initiatives for Symbian OS core idioms.
Nicholas started his career as an apprentice Electronics Engineer in the 1980s, developing semiconductor devices for telecommunications. He moved into a solely software development career in the 1990s. This was initially in real-time embedded systems and later Windows-based user interfaces for image scanners, writers, and print register and color control devices for the printing and pre-press industry.
Toby Gray
Toby has worked with Symbian OS since joining the System Management group of Symbian in 2005. Since then, he has worked on topics ranging from optimizing system characteristics (e.g. speed, RAM usage and ROM usage) to management of system start-up and from development of diagnostic tools to ARM assembler optimization. He holds a BA in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge.
David Harper
David has worked at Psion Software and Symbian for over 10 years. ...